Cesped is at the forefront of obtaining the certifications necessary for the highest qualification of company skills in the transport sector.

AEOC Authorized Operator
Cesped is certified as Authorized Economic Operator

IATA Certification
Cesped complies with the regulations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for the transport of both General Cargo and dangerous goods by air.

OHSAS 18001:2007 certification
Our company complies with the requirements of the standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Legislative and contractual obligations towards INPS, INAIL and Cassa Edile

Cesped is authorised to pursue the occupation of road haulage operator

Estratto Visura CCIAA
This is an information document issued by the Chamber of Commerce in which you will find all the details concerning the company: legal and personal details, name, legal form, registered office, tax code, type of activity carried out and other elements relating to the administrative bodies and corporate offices.

Cesped Code of Ethics
The charter of moral rights and obligations that define the ethical-social responsibility of each participant in the business organization

Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Cesped is committed and considers the protection of its employees in the workplace to be of fundamental importance. This is our mission.

Supervisory Authority
It oversees the functioning and compliance with our Model of Organisation, Management and Control and the Code of Ethics

Food Products Transport Authorization
Cesped transports any type of goods in full compliance with the requirements, paying particular attention to hygiene and health standards, preserving the quality of the substances. Authorisation obtained in the plants of Lauzacco, Trieste, Pordenone, Padua